The Best Apple Pie Filling Recipe

If you are planning to make an apple pie, you are probably looking for the best way to create a delicious, tangy filling that will leave everyone amazed by your cooking prowess. There’s quite a knack for the perfect filling, so we are going to explore a great recipe and some top tips to go with it, plus a few other apple recipes you can try out.
The best apple pie should be full of a thick, rich sauce, with lightly cooked apples and a thin, golden crust. It’s a good idea to use a variety of apples in your apple pie, as this will give you a richer flavor and texture and makes the pie particularly tempting and appetizing.
The Best Apple Pie Recipe Filling
Preferences for apple pies vary, but we are going to look at the top apple pie recipe filling here. Remember, you can always tweak it to your tastes if you find that there is something you’d like to change!
You are going to need:
➔ 1 egg
➔ 1 tablespoon of butter
➔ ½ cup of white granulated sugar
➔ ½ cup of dark brown sugar
➔ A good pinch of nutmeg
➔ A good pinch of cardamom
➔ ¼ teaspoon of powdered ginger
➔ ¼ teaspoon of salt
➔ 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
➔ 2 tablespoons of cornstarch
➔ 8 baking apples of any variety, or a mixed variety
Now, let’s look at the method for the best apple pie recipe filling!
Step 1) Wash your apples and then peel the skins off them. This makes for a softer filling, but you can leave the skins intact if you like. Some people find that this makes the apple pie chewier, but a lot of the goodness is in the skins, so decide what you prefer. Cooking should soften the peels anyway.
Step 2) Remove any bad bits, and then core the apples and cut them into halves. Remove any pips that you find.
Step 3) Slice up each apple half. You want the slices to be approximately a quarter of an inch thick, and minimal size variation between them.
Step 4) Get a big mixing bowl and dip the apple slices into the bowl.
Step 5) Sift the spices, both kinds of sugar, and the salt over the apples. Stir them with a wooden spoon until the apple slices are all thoroughly coated.
Step 6) Set aside so that the apples can soak in the flavor. This should take approximately an hour. You may wish to drop a tea towel across the bowl.
Step 7) While the apples are absorbing the spices, prepare your pie crust and line a pie dish with pastry. Some pastry should be kept aside to form the top of the pie.
Step 8) Set the oven to 400 degrees F.
Step 9) Tip the cornstarch into the bowl with the apples and toss it around until the slices are coated thoroughly.
Step 10) Pack the apples into the pie crust, squashing them down firmly so that the filling will be dense and generous. Remember, the apple will cook down. The level of the apples should be above the edge of the pie crust, but you may find that not all of your apple slices will fit. These can be used up in another recipe.
Step 11) Pour the juices from the bottom of the apple bowl over the pie filling, and then cut some small cubes of butter and spread them around the inside of the pie.
Step 12) Roll out the top crust and place it on the pie, and then cut a few holes so that steam can escape as the apples cook. Just a few thin slits will suffice.
Step 13) Trim the edges and crimp them over to seal the pie, and then whisk your egg with a little water and use it to brush the top of the pie.
Step 14) The pie can then be baked for about an hour and fifteen minutes. Turn it occasionally. Do not let the crust brown too heavily. The pie is done when a thermometer inserted into the center reads 195 degrees F. The apples should also be soft.
Step 15) Cool the pie for at least an hour before cutting it open.
Tips And Advice
Below, you’ll find a few top tips for creating the best apple pie recipe filling.
➔ Firstly, make sure that you allow the pie to cool as much as possible before you cut it open. This ensures that the filling firms up and does not make the pastry soggy. If you cut it while the filling is still hot, the liquid will run out and ruin the pastry.➔ Secondly, don’t put too much liquid in your apple pie. If you think that your apples have released a lot of juice, you may want to discard some – again, to avoid making the pastry soggy. You should have about ¾ of a cup of liquid.
➔ Thirdly, be generous with the egg wash, but don’t add too much water to the egg (because once more, this will result in soggy and unappetizing pastry). You should brush the egg as evenly as you can over the pastry because this creates that tempting golden crust so many people strive to achieve.
➔ Another great tip is to use a variety of apples. Try various combinations, but some good choices include Braeburns, Honeycrisps, Jonagold, and Granny Smith apples. Using a mix should create a more interesting flavor and create some variety in the pie. Just using one apple sometimes results in a boring taste.
Granny Smiths are particularly good in apple pie because they are tart and work really well with the sugar. Other options include Galas and Ginger Gold apples.
➔ You can heat the juice that leaks from the apples in a pan to reduce it if you want to make the sauce thicker. This will lead to a drier apple pie, but you might prefer that.
➔ The longer you let your apples sit in the sugar, salt, and spices, the more liquid will come out of them, and the more they will absorb the flavors. For the best possible apple pie, be really patient and let them rest overnight! If you don’t have this much time, an hour should be sufficient.
Best Apple Pie Recipe Can Filling

What about making apple pie with canned apple? It can definitely be done, and next, we’re going to look at the best apple pie canned filling recipe.
Making an apple pie recipe from canned filling might sound like a cheat, but it’s a great, fast way to enjoy apple pie without having to mess around peeling, halving, and slicing your apples – you can just open the can and you are away!
There are a few top tricks for making an apple pie recipe can filling taste just like the homemade version, and we’re going to share these in the below recipe.
You will need:
➔ 21 oz can of apple pie filling x2 (so two cans!)
➔ 1 egg white
➔ 1 teaspoon of powdered ginger
➔ 1 teaspoon of fresh lemon juice
➔ ½ teaspoon of nutmeg
Step 1) Tip the can of apple into a very large bowl and juice your lemon.
Step 2) Grate some nutmeg.
Step 3) Tip the lemon juice, the powdered ginger, and the nutmeg into the filling, and then mix it gently. You don’t want to make the apple pie filling mushy, but you do want the flavoring to be incorporated.
Step 4) Taste the filling and decide if it needs further alterations. You can add any of the spices from the recipe above, or a bit more salt or sugar, depending on your preferences. If it’s too sweet, try a bit more lemon juice, but be careful not to make it too liquid. If it does look too runny, gently heat it and reduce it slightly.
Step 5) Prepare your pie crusts and pour the filling into the bottom crust. Add the top pie crust, crimp the edges, and wash it with egg as per the recipe above.
Step 6) Cut the slits in the top and then bake for up to an hour until the pie is bubbling. As the canned apple will be soft, it does not need to be softened by the cooking process, so all you need to check is that the pie crust is cooked to your satisfaction.
Step 7) Allow it to fully cool before you serve the pie.
The major advantage of an apple pie recipe canned filling option is that you can cook it straight away without having to do any preparation work. If you also use pre-made pastry, you can save yourself a lot of time!
Of course, you could just tip a can of apple pie filling into the pastry, but taking the time to stir in some spices and alter the flavor to suit your tastes will make the result much better. Hopefully, this apple pie recipe from canned filling will be perfect for you!
Apple Pie Drink

Some people just can’t get enough of apple pie, so we’re going to look at a drink apple pie recipe next. You can serve this hot or cold, depending on your preferences, so it’s great for both summer and winter!
For it, you’ll need:
➔ 6 sticks of cinnamon
➔ 1 cup of white sugar
➔ 1 gallon of apple juice
➔ 1 liter of alcohol (of your choice; many people enjoy whiskey)
➔ 1 gallon of apple cider
Step 1) Put the cinnamon sticks, the sugar, the apple cider, and the apple juice into a large pan and bring to a boil over medium heat.
Step 2) Stir thoroughly until the sugar has completely dissolved, and then turn off the heat and remove the pan. Scoop out the cinnamon sticks (or leave them into steep further).
Step 3) Cool the mixture and then stir in the alcohol. Pour it into sterilized canning jars, seal it, and store it in the fridge until ready to use.
If you want to drink it hot, heat it before serving. Otherwise, chill and enjoy it cold!
Apple Pie Recipe Crumble Top

If you’re looking for a crumble apple pie recipe, you’re in luck! Instead of topping your apple pie with a pastry shell, try a crumble topping for a different approach. This is also sometimes known as an apple pie recipe Dutch style.
It might sound like unnecessary extra work to do a different topping for your pie, but crumble is very easy to make and many people love it.
You will need:
➔ ½ cup of dark brown sugar➔ 1/3 cup of unsalted butter
➔ 1 cup of chopped walnuts
➔ 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
➔ ¾ cup of plain flour
Step 1) Melt and cool the butter.
Step 2) Mix together the walnuts, flour, brown sugar, and cinnamon in a bowl.
Step 3) Stir in the butter.
Step 4) Follow the recipe above to create a normal apple pie, but instead of adding a shell of pastry to the top of the apple filling, use this crumble to top the pie with. You should get a thick, crumbly layer of salty-sweet goodness on top.
Step 5) Bake for 20 minutes at 400 degrees F, and then lower the oven temperature to 370 degrees F and bake for another 30 minutes. The top should be golden when you take it out of the oven.
Leave the pie to cool for a full three hours when it comes out of the oven, as the crumble is only held together with butter, and should be cool before the pie is cut into.
Apple pie is a classic recipe that most people love, and there are some great twists for you to try with it. You can make an ultra-simple recipe by using canned apple in your apple pie, or you can go the traditional route with sliced and spiced apples.
Alternatively, if you love this kind of pie, try an apple pie drink or Dutch apple pie, with a crumble topping instead of the standard pastry option!